viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

Unit - 2


Would like

expresses an idea of ​​desire, being very formal:
What would you like? - I would like a cup of tea. ¿Que le gustaría tomar? - Querría una taza de café.

Would like is always followed by the infinitive with the to:
Would you like to come with us? Would you like to come with us?
He would like (or He'd like) to join the sales team. Would you like to join the sales team?
I'd like you to tell me the truth. I would like you to tell the truth.


Would you like a chocolate? (Ofreciendo.)

Si usamos un verbo después, ponemos to + infinitivo:

She’d like to speak with you for a moment.

Q: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? (Una invitación.)

A: Yes, I would.

Q: What would you like to do this weekend?

A: I don’t know… Let’s go hiking!


martes, 9 de agosto de 2022

Unit 1



The greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known, pay attention and suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people who come into contact with each other.


Good afternoon

Buenas tardes

Good evening

Buenas tardes

Good night

Buenas noches

Bye, Good bye

Adios, buen adios

See you later!

Nos vemos mas tarde

See you soon!

Nos vemos pronto

See you tomorrow!

Nos vemos mañana

Hi! Hello!

Hola, Hola

How are you?

Cómo estas?

fine, thanks

Bien, gracias

What do you do?

Que haces?

What's your name?

Cuál es tu nombre?

Nice to meet you.

Mucho gusto en conocerte

How's your family?

Cómo esta tu familia?

Is your family well?

Tu familia esta bien?

I am at your disposal.

Estoy a tu disposición

Best wishes!

Los mejores deseos

See you soon

Hasta pronto

See you!

Nos vemos

Where are you from?

De dónde eres?

What’s you nationality?

Cuál es tu nacionalidad?

How old are you?

Cuántos años tienes?

What´s your telephone number?

Cuál es tu número telefónico?

What´s your favorite food?

Cuál es tu comida favorita?


Unit - 5

  SALON SERVICES When it comes to many services, they are often referred to as different beauty salons. Personal grooming services are all a...